Download SF Quartzite Bold Oblique Font

SF Quartzite Bold Oblique
Font added on: May 26, 2022
Font description

Copyright (c) Derek Vogelpohl, 2001. All rights reserved. Covington - Cond is a trademark of Apostrophic Laboratories.

Font category
Full name of the font

SF Quartzite Bold Oblique

License information

Free personal use

Designed by


Designer website

Font file name

SF Quartzite Bold Oblique.ttf


SF Quartzite Bold Oblique is a trademark of the ShyFonts Type Foundry.

Font family

SF Quartzite

Font sub family

Bold Oblique


ver 2.0; 1999. Freeware for non-commercial use.




Ray Larabie



License description

This font is a nearly free font. You can use it freely but: a) If you want to use it in publications on any kind of media (paper, CDs or DVDs, web, etc.) you have to put in the following words as a note: ?The Fell Types are digitally reproduced by Igino Marini. Then you have to email me and let me know where you used them so I can see your work. b) You can?t sell the font. c) You can?t rename the font and its contents (including outlines, kerning table and other data, license, copyright, links, etc). d) You can?t put the font on a commercial CD-ROM. e) You can distribute it freely but not without this text file you?re reading attached. f) You can put this font online on your own site but after having put a link to nearby and having consulted me (and got my permission).


sf quartzite bold oblique,sfquartziteboldoblique,sci fi

Preferred sub family

FELL Great Primer

Compatible full


Character Map SF Quartzite Bold Oblique Font